Busta Art


Words portrait 

This project was about drawing someone with words. First we were to choose who we were to draw I choose the singer Frank Sinatra. Then we were to draw this figure, once we drew the figure we had to write words in the siluete lines. The words I chose for this project were the Lyrics to the songs of Sinatra such as: My way, New York New York, Strangers in the night, and love the way you look. The goal of this project was to do a portrait using words and the words describing the drawing in this case a person. The materials were an A4 piece of paper and a pen. 

This project was very easy and really cool. I enjoyed drawing and writing in this piece of Art because I thought it was very original and creative. The hard Part of this project was to choose the words That will describe the person you chose because you don’t really know him so it was like a guess from his songs and no one knows if he is really that way or not. This project helped mi draw better the human face because I understood better the human proportions.


The Pop Art 

This project was to draw using the technique of pop art. For this project we had to choose a popular person because since its popular art we needed someone popular. I chose the Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger. This project consisted of painting the person we chose with one color and different tones of the color. I chose the color blue. Then the back of the portrait was with a complementary color in this case orange. This project was drawing in a canvas.  The materials we used were acrylics, canvas, paint bushes, and pencils.  The goal of the Project was to understand how popular art works and how does it impact society and people. 

This project was really hard. First we had to draw the person in the canvas but we had to draw it with proportions so it was hard. Then we had to choose the shadows of the person and mark them, this part was easy, then we had to paint the shadows with different tones of blue this part was really hard because the tone you chose it never came the same way another day so it was annoying because you had to paint it all over again. The hardest part of this project was to paint. From this project I learned to be patient and that not always things turn out beautiful but it was a fun project.  

The Rolling Stones 

In this drawing I drew the rolling stones as a cartoon. I chose to draw this because it is my favorite band. In this project I printed from the Internet a photo of the rolling stones and copied it into my sketchbook. Then I shadowed it and made the finishing touches. This drawing looked good at the end. The materials I used were a piece of A4 and a pencil. I didn't have a goal for this project just to have fun. 

This project was very straight forward and very easy because I just copied and shadowed the drawing. I liked this because I drew what I liked and it was fun and relaxed without so much tension of painting and everything so I enjoyed drawing something relaxed and cool, also It finished very nice except for Mick Jagger who looks like a dog in the drawing but apart form that I an very proud of the drawing.  
